Prayer Resources

Here you'll find prayer resources for churches, communities, and individuals, all created to help deepen your experience of prayer.

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The God Story


A compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story to help you move from familiar to fascinated.

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The Lectio Course


The Lectio Course is a five session video series with Pete Greig, exploring how to hear from God and the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.

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Try Praying


Want to try talking to God? Use this simple guide with three easy ways to start

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Daily Prayer Rhythm


Learn about the historic practice of a daily prayer rhythm, an invitation to pause and pray - morning, midday, and evening.

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24-Hr Prayer Room Starter Kit


Learn about what kind of prayer stations can go into a prayer room and choose from a range of different prayer activities.

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Lectio for Families


Lectio for Families is a devotional app that helps families to read the Bible and explore faith and prayer together.

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A group of peers stands in a circle with hands on each other's shoulders