Mission & Justice

Our justice arena explores the partnership of Jesus, Justice, and Prayer in mutually-transformative work among the oppressed, marginalized, and poor.

Race & Grace Mondays Remix

This initiative unites people from all over the nation, dedicating Mondays as a day to pray for racial righteousness in America. Together, we will unpack twelve themes covering some of the most common racial issues in America – one month at a time.

A woman puts her hands together in prayer among other Christians at a prayer gathering

Additional Ways to Get Involved

Race and Reconciliation

We want to invite you to pray and join the fight for racial justice and reconciliation - starting in our own lives. Watch this short animation video,and join us as we take action.

Public Prayer Spaces

Public Prayer Spaces are 24-7-style prayer rooms, filled with Christ-centered interactive prayer stations, that are open to the general public, and are. Click below to learn more and to see where they are located around the nation.

Year of Incarnated Prayer

In 2025, 24-7 Prayer USA is calling individuals, communities, and churches across the nation to put their feet in the places where they want to see the Kingdom come, carrying the presence of God into the world.