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Prayer is simply talking with God. We can pray anytime, anywhere about anything that’s on our mind. Why not start a conversation with the creator of the universe today?
Times of spiritual awakening are always precipitated by a radical commitment to seek God in prayer. Our aim is to provide models and resources that can catalyze you and your community to experience an awakened prayer life.
In Matthew 7:7, Jesus says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." The Bible encourages us to always pray, about all kinds of topics. We can ask God to help the people we care for, we can talk to Him about the things we need or we’re worried about, share what we’re grateful for and so much more.
24-7 Prayer USA is for everyone. We've created prayer resources for individuals, communities, and churches to create a rich and awakened prayer life.
Create a 24-7 Prayer Room
Any space can be turned into a 24-7 Prayer Room – a place for your community to join together to seek God’s face and to pray every hour for a set period of time. 24-7 Prayer Rooms are temporarily rooms equipped with prayer stations to help people learn to pray by praying.
Public Prayer Spaces are 24-7-style prayer rooms hosted by 24-7 Prayer communities that are open to the general public. View the map to learn more and explore where they are located around the nation.
Join us on Oct 15-17 in Nashville, for a powerful time of prayer, worship, scripture, and responding to the Spirit. Livestream or in-person available now.
We are calling communities and churches across the nation to put their feet in the places where they want to see the Kingdom come, carrying the presence of God into the world.