About Us

24-7 Prayer USA is a global prayer movement. We create resources to help you foster intimacy with God and embark on missional living marked by compassion and justice.

We exist to inspire, equip, and mobilize
people to an awakened prayer life.


Browse our library of prayer resources for individuals, communities and churches


Discover new daily, weekly, and
monthly prayer rhythms for your community and church


Join the 24-7 Prayer community,
find support and encouragement
as we serve Jesus together

A group of peers stands in a circle with hands on each other's shoulders

Origin Story

24-7 Prayer was started accidentally in 1999, when a simple student-led prayer vigil in the UK went viral and groups all over the world joined in to pray. We have been praying around the clock ever since. Now, nearly 25 years later, thousands of communities have taken part in 24-7 Prayer in churches, communities and cities in over half the countries in the world.

24-7 Prayer USA Team

Tyler Staton
Josh Staton
Lisa Koons
Lee McDerment
Katya Wawrykow
Renee Boucher
Hykeng Paul
Aisha Sharifa
Casey Tobik
Jenny DeKorte
Amy Cole
Parker Metcalf

Contact Us

If you’d like to learn more about 24-7 Prayer USA, start a prayer room, or if you have any questions, reach out to us!

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