Get Involved

We help people encounter God and engage with the needs of the world through prayer, mission, and justice. Join us at an event, public prayer space, or explore our prayer resources and courses for individuals, groups, and churches.

Join the community, and see God move

Pete Greig and others pray with a room of Christians at a prayer gathering

Attend the South Regional Gathering

Join us in Charleston for our first ever regional gathering! The gathering will be an opportunity to connect with likeminded leaders as we pray, worship and respond to the Spirit.

National Gathering 2025

Gathering with the 24-7 movement across the nation in Nashville, TN on October 15-17, 2025. Super Early Bird pricing is now available.

Ibiza 2025: Prayer Team & Mission Trips

In the summer of 2025, we're hosting two trips to Ibiza, Spain where we will serve alongside the local 24-7 Prayer team to bring the love and hope of Jesus to the heart of this community.

“Living by a Daily Prayer Rhythm has illuminated beautiful pathways to a more presence-saturated and power-filled life with God.

Miles McGuire
Soma Midtown, Indianapolis

Prayer rhythms for your church

Discover the Daily Prayer Rhythm

In the Hebrew and early church, there has always been a daily prayer rhythm to pause and pray - morning, midday, and evening. Explore the Daily Prayer Rhythm Guide, with tips, teachings, and videos to help your church get started.

Create a 24-Hour Prayer Room

This resource is our gift to you. It’s a practical guide, written from years of experience, to help you plan your 24-7 Prayer Room and to mobilize your community to “pray continually”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV).

The Prayer Course with Pete Greig

An eight week journey that will help you and your community to grow and deepen your prayer life.

Resources to nurture
your prayer life

Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools


An invitation to the wonder and mystery of prayer.

View Resource

Advent Prayer 2024


Ways to pray through Advent and Christmas individually, as a family, and with your community.

View Resource

Pray for Peace and an End to War


A prayer and activity guide to help you intercede for peace, an end to war, and for peaceful solutions to violent conflict.

View Resource

Become a Catalyst

24-7 Prayer Catalysts are monthly givers who enable us to inspire, equip, and mobilize people to an awakened prayer life.
